Friday 23 August 2013

Black Studio TinyMCE Widget for Adding Content Visually to the Sidebar

This plugin has very high rating. With the help of standard TinyMCE WordPress visual editor, this plugin can insert a WYSIWYG text widget. By using this plugin you can visually add rich text contents to your sidebars without any further knowledge of HTML. You can add images/videos, links and headlines  in the sidebar by using this plugin.

black studio tinymce widget


  How to Use Black Studio TinyMCE Widget?

  1    From the Dashboard, use the mouse to rollover the Plugins section of the Admin Menu and then click Add New.

black studio tinymce widget

 2     In the search box, type Black Studio TinyMCE and click Search Plugins.

black studio tinymce widget

3    We now see a list of plugins. Find Black Studio TinyMCE (it should be the first one) and click on Install Now (click Ok on the pop-up).

black studio tinymce widget

4    Wordpress will now install the plugin on your server. Once it’s finished, click  Activate Plugin. You should now see a plugin activated message.

black studio tinymce widget

5  Scroll to the Admin Menu, rollover Appearances and then click Widgets.

black studio tinymce widget

6   On the widgets page, beneath Available Widgets, find the widget called Black Studio TinyMCE. Click on it and hold the mouse click while dragging it into the Primary Widget Area. Drop it just above the Text: Hello widget.

 black studio tinymce widget

7     The widget options will then expand on  your screen. Here you can create a title (mine says: Greetings!) and then click Add Media.                                                                

black studio tinymce widget

 8    Now click Select Files and choose a good photo from your computer to add.

black studio tinymce widget

9    Click Insert into post.

black studio tinymce widget

10    Alright, now that the photo is in the post, click Save. (You’ll see a little wheel spin around and that’s it, it’s done!)

black studio tinymce widget

11  Next, let’s see how it looks. Rollover your website’s name in the upper left hand corner and click Visit Site.

black studio tinymce widget

12    Now click on the page titled Contact.

  black studio tinymce widget

13    Now we have added a visual element to our sidebar! Feel free to experiment with different photos, or combinations of photos and text to find the right fit for your page.

black studio tinymce widget

Next, you’ll be integrating your social media accounts with your website!